To Sparkle Punch...

In the Now: September 2014

Jess2 Comments

I recently discovered The Demure Muse, an awesome lifestyle/fashion blog, and each month she writes about her current faves in several categories. As a known archivist (I used to summarize each day's events on a calendar nbd), I LOVE this idea. And I struggle with staying present, so taking a few minutes to think about what I'm enjoying right now is a good exercise for me :)


Loving: This bag. I've been feeling creative lately, which means that my blank notebook is part of my daily essentials. I love sketching out ideas in marker on blank paper. But the notebook is too tall to fit in a normal purse, and my cloth totes don't have any pockets so I'm always afraid stuff will fly out of them. I tried using my beloved leather Pour La Victoire bag, but with all its fancy hardware, it gets heavy with like a piece of looseleaf paper in it. Enter the bag above, on sale for $17 at Target. It zips, has interior and exterior pockets, looks like nothing else I have, AND can fit all this crap (including an umbrella and water bottle which are hidden behind the notebook) with room to spare! *heart-eyes emoji*


Listening to: The "Every '00s Summer Dance Party Ever" station on Songza, which is as awesome as it sounds. My friend introduced me to Songza by playing the "90s Grade School Dance" station at my bday soirée, and I was hooked. Songza is like Pandora but hilarious and geared toward your mood or activities (be they "Shopping at a vintage store" or "Drinking in a dive bar"). Highly recommend.




Reading: Creative, Inc. I only started this book a few days ago, and so far, it's scaring me with words like "confidence," "quick turnaround," and "criticism." Eek.  I'm sure I'll keep going with it, but #Girlboss is on its way to me and might take precedence for the moment, haha. I've been on a book buying binge lately!


Working on: Adjusting to my new home (same as the old home). I moved back in with my dad last month, as my roommate has gone abroad (sounds so sophisticated!) until the end of the year. As much as I adored our apartment, and my freedom, there was room for improvement financially. I was doing alright, but it's so hard to save when you're constantly paying rent, utilities, blah blah. I was originally going to move home just for a few months to save up a security deposit, but then I realized that moving out again so quickly would land me back in the same financial morass. UGH, adulthood. So while I'm not thrilled to be back home (and I so deeply miss the cute neighborhood I left behind), I'm hopeful that I'm setting myself up for longer-term independence. And my dad let me get my childhood room fixed up and painted, so I don't feel like I'm 11 years old and should be belting out "Say You'll Be There" by the Spice Girls ...not that there's anything wrong with that!