To Sparkle Punch...

Ooh, you make me live


Do you guys find that music helps you with things like anxiety and depression? Because it helps me TONS! Especially the band I’m going to talk about in this post: her majesty, QUEEN!

I always enjoyed Queen, but seeing Bohemian Rhapsody last November has put me on a yearlong Queen deep-dive. Knowing that, my bffl got me this Queen shirt for my birthday! (It’s extra exciting because Pops saw Queen live in 1975!)

When I put together this outfit, I used the same recipe from this post: cozy sweater + leggings (not that you can see them lol) + cute necklace! This is the second super soft chenille sweater I’ve bought this fall, and I’m equally obsessed with it and want to wear it every day of my life. I completed the look with my Virgo necklace, in honor of Freddie also being a Virgo! (#nerdalert)


Sweater: Marshalls

Tee: gift from my bffl

Necklace: Lucky Feather


Here are a few songs that have been in very heavy rotation over the past year. I must say that although I am generally anti-live recordings, Queen has SO.MUCH.ENERGY live that I can’t get enough.

Radio Gaga

(even my one friend who is very meh on Queen loves “Radio Gaga” haha)

Sheer Heart Attack

Bonus: Hot Pants Freddie and Monochrome Blue Deaky!

I Want to Break Free

(Such a freaking mood, and also penned by bassist John Deacon, aka my favorite member of Queen!)

Dragon Attack

This was my JAM for dealing with holiday stress last year! And it has a bass solo! *swoon*

Bohemian Rhapsody

My first favorite Queen song. I put it on a mix the summer before seventh grade, and the rest is history!

Plus, because there’s so much going on in Queen recordings, there’s tons of stripped down versions on YouTube, so you can really hear some interesting stuff that you never noticed before!

Buuuut despite my deep-dive and the tons of new-to-me Queen songs that I now love, my favorite is still “You’re My Best Friend” haha! The more things change…

What is your anti-anxiety music?

Linking up with Mica and Lisa!