To Sparkle Punch...

High Five for Friday: August 17


Thank god it's Friday! You guys, this was one of those weeks where every day is a struggle. Not because anything bad happened, but because my emotions were all over the place. Ugh! But here’s what brought the sparkle:

  • I’ve been posting my outfits on Instagram this month, and I was struggling over the weekend because I was in a capital M Mood and felt totally fake being all smiley and happy. That’s not what this space is about. So when I did my outfit post on Sunday, I was honest about how I was feeling... and it really made me feel better! It's not like I'm the only one who has rough days—so why fake it?
  • On Saturday, I decided that I wasn't going to mope around the house, so I signed up for a yin yoga workshop! I had never done yin before and was actually quite scared! I'm not flexible, and I don't love how you have to stay in poses forever in restorative classes. But it turned out to be a really good class! I shocked myself with the poses I was able to do. It was definitely a physical challenge, but I think my body appreciated the stretching and the peaceful vibe. The teacher was super sweet too, which definitely helped!


  • Then I went to my usual Sunday yoga class, which was great, and the teacher shared this—something that really resonated with me:
  • Did you ever have a random line from a song or a show pop into your head out of nowhere and then it totally bugs you because you can't place it? Well, that happened to me a week or two ago, and I was finally able to track down the scene this week! The line was from Lucky and Liz, naturally. The part I remembered was Lucky saying, "When I all I wanted and couldn't really have was for you not to hurt anymore." Once I found the scene, I discovered that he says it to Liz early in her rape recovery on the topic of revenge. How he wanted to kill the guy that hurt her, but doing so wouldn't take away her pain, and that's what he really wanted. In my capital M Mood this week, I've been really angry, so finding that scene was just like, "Wow, ok Universe, thanks for the reminder!" Like, I do desperately want to feel better—but being angry and hurtful to other people isn't going actually make me feel better, you know? Forget the Bhagavad Gita—apparently, I get all my wisdom from '90s soaps. 😂😂
  • Lastly, along with GH, I went full '90s musically this week and have been listening to a lot of the Goo Goo Dolls! I heard "Slide" on the radio and remembered how much I loved it in sixth grade and would eagerly wait for it to come on the radio. I actually got Dizzy Up the Girl at both houses on Christmas 1998, haha! So "Slide" has been a big one this week, but with "Iris," "Name," and "Black Balloon" thrown in too. I don't know that the Goo Goo Dolls were actually featured on Dawson's Creek, but now I want to watch that too. 😂 #full90s #WhoompThereItIs

Have a great weekend! xo

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