To Sparkle Punch...

High Five for Friday: March 20


Hi guys! How are you faring in these crazy times? Feel free to chat with me in the comments down below. I hope you’re hanging in there and had some sparkle in your week! Here’s what’s been helping me:

  • I’ve been able to get out for a walk nearly every day (yay endorphins!), and I’ve been following along with Yoga with Adriene videos too. (They’re so great, and also FREE!) I had been feeling pretty darn depressed (only marginally better since changing my medication dosage), but a tough love talk in therapy last week reminded me that I’M responsible for my emotional well-being. That I can control what I do, how I react, and what I tell myself. Which means that waking up and obsessively checking Google News or reading trashy articles about The Bachelor and then jumping straight into work and not getting any exercise might not be the best for my mental health? Especially in such an unsettling time? So I’m making more of an effort this week, and it has helped. I’ve had more energy and generally felt less self-loathing and sadness—even amidst all the uncertainty in the world right now. A darn miracle! Highly recommend! 🎉

  • I mentioned in this post that I was thinking of getting a gaming system, and, well, I promptly pulled the trigger! I picked up a pretty inexpensive Wii + Mario Kart on eBay a few weeks ago, and I’ve been teaching Pops how to play! The perfect stay-at-home activity!

Pops’s 6 points are his best score so far… 😬

Pops’s 6 points are his best score so far… 😬

  • If you don’t already follow Nathan Pyle for his Strange Planet comics, you should because his IG Stories have been full of gems this week as he taught people how to pin emojis and text onto videos of their pets. He made it a highlight on his IG profile, and I highly recommend checking it out—I was cracking up! And very jealous that I didn’t have a creature of my own to pin stuff on! 😫

  • I was never a Gilmore girl growing up, but I’ve been watching it intermittently for the past few months (mainly fueled by my crush on Jared Padalecki LOL). I’m still not totally on board—both Lorelai and Rory irk me (I’m definitely a Rory, which makes her extra annoying!), and who can keep up with all the references? But I have to say, it is a very comforting show—upbeat and lacking in random hospital shootings. (It’s possible that I have Grey’s PTSD.) ANYWAY, I ended up watching a large chunk of Gilmore Girls season four last weekend, which means I got up to the infamous Rory + Dean season finale. I knew it was coming, and still I was like THIS IS JUICY, totally riveted. (Though Jared Padalecki’s hair at this time is atrocious WHYYYY?) Does this mean I’m a fan now?!

  • Lastly, today is an important milestone for me: it’s my seventh Rebirthday, aka the anniversary of the day I went inpatient for suicidal thoughts. I’m working on a longer post about this, but I must say, I’m very happy to be here. This past year has especially felt like a battle, but I’ I like to brush off “still being here” and roll my eyes like it should be a given at this point, but it is not a small accomplishment—it still, at times, takes a lot of (exhausting) work. But here I am. Thank you, everyone, for your support over the years. Thank you for being my friends! 💖💖

Hope you have a great weekend (…as great as it can be!)! xo
