To Sparkle Punch...

Friday Favorites: Cute reminders!


Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁

So, how do get through the week when it’s kind of a meh struggle? Because that’s been my week. I’ve been… bleh. Hormonal, sad, and out of it.

But I can say that my bevy of cute reminders and affirmations have helped (…as has having a Friday Favorites theme on a bleh week 😁)!

Of course, you have to find the messages and imagery that resonate with you, but here are a few of my faves:

(FYI: I make a small commission for purchases or clicks made through links in this post.)

This should be the millennial logo of life.

  • This adorable one needs to be in my face all the time, so it sits on my work desk. “Negative” feelings are only sort of sometimes okay to me now (😂), so this is a big one. Pairs nicely with my therapist’s calm messaging that “It’s okay to feel [fill-in-the-blank emotion].”

  • When I am really in the grip of panic and anxiety, I have to actively remind myself of the message on this sticker; that, while I may feel scared, I’m actually not in danger. My body and the present moment haven’t always felt like safe places to be, so I have found reminders of current safety—and agency—to be very comforting.

Pairs well with this fake plant from Target!

  • I recently added this Calm Strip to my laptop, and it has been a lovely little grounding tool to rub/pick at/fiddle with. (The fact that it’s not a traditional sticker, i.e. you can easily remove and reposition it, is the only reason I allowed it to grace my pristine laptop, ha!)

  • Guys, I am still so tired. I may not be okay until I get that hour back in the fall! 😂😬 But I also, once again, feel a lot of guilt around resting, so, vicious circle. This darling sticker just arrived this week, and I put it on my nightstand, so maybe I won’t spring out of bed in a panic just because I’m awake. (It’s kind of similar to the guilt/panic I had around rest back when I had covid in the fall. 🙃) Lack of sleep and my anxiety just do not mix.

What reminders help you when it’s just not your day (your week, your month, or even your year)? ✨ 

Happy Friday! xoxo

Linking up with Andrea and Erika over at Friday Favorites!