To Sparkle Punch...

High Five for Friday: November 18


All week long, I've had no clue what day it is. At least today I won't have the disappointing realization that it's not Friday! :) Let's see what put the sparkle into this week:

  • Last Friday, I finally graduated from physical therapy! (It only took five months nbd.) My foot still hurts sometimes, but now I actually have the strength to resist someone pushing on my legs/feet, so yay? I was also given the terrible news that I need to keep exercising for the rest of my life. UGH ADULTHOOD.
  • To celebrate, I stopped at Starbucks on my way to work, and when I got to the register, I was told that the person ahead of me had paid for me! What the what?! I was so thrown off that I just left, like a total jerk! But what a sweet gesture in a week that so needed it! Thank you, complete stranger! (I am determined to pay it forward the next time I'm at Starbs. I need to plan to be spontaneous, ha!)
Holiday cups <3

Holiday cups <3

  • When I texted my bffl about finishing physical therapy, she wrote back "congrats!" ...and confetti fell on our texts! And thus began 20 minutes of us trying to figure out how to replicate it. iOS 10 is too fancy for us. (But sending confetti with unexciting texts is my new favorite thing to do!)
Oh yeah, we discovered the drawing feature too. 🎨 

Oh yeah, we discovered the drawing feature too. 🎨 

  • On Saturday, I went to a birthday party for one of my oldest friends! (Gosh, have we been friends since second grade? Maybe?) I also got to see her lovely fam and eat a Swedish fish jello "shot" with them! What a time to be alive!
Put a plate of cupcakes in front of me and I will photograph it. (I didn't actually have one, but only because Funfetti cake was another option. 💯)

Put a plate of cupcakes in front of me and I will photograph it. (I didn't actually have one, but only because Funfetti cake was another option. 💯)

  • So I've followed the Flyers and Phillies in the past, but never the Sixers. The Sixers are like the red-headed stepchild of Philly sports. They're pretty consistently terrible, but for some reason, Pops and I happened to be watching last week when they won their first game of the year (only going 0-7!). And we were thus introduced to our new favorite song: 

It's so darn catchy, like Billy Preston meets Sesame Street, and dare I say the most entertaining thing to happen to the Sixers since AI's "practice" rant! With jams like this, I'm totally on board!


  • Lastly, I had my physical this week and got a clean bill of health! Yahoo! And my arm has finally stopped hurting from my flu shot! (UGH ADULTHOOD.) 

Wishing you all a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving weekend! (Eek, how did that get here so fast?!)