To Sparkle Punch...

High Five for Friday: May 20


Another week is in the books! Let's see what put the sparkle into it:

  • As of yesterday, I'm cast-free! My foot still isn't exactly better (like, if it starts hurting again, I'm supposed to bust out my walking boot), but at least now I can shower without having a heart attack about my cast possibly getting wet! #winning


  • I went to an event at my high school last Saturday and wore the following ensemble. Obviously, going to a fancy evening in sneakers rankled my fashion-loving heart, but I couldn't fit my cast into any other shoes, so I just had to go with it... and pick a color scheme that didn't clash terribly with my Reeboks (or my purple cast)! ;) 
I would link to what I'm wearing, but both the dress and the cardigan were thrifted years ago!

I would link to what I'm wearing, but both the dress and the cardigan were thrifted years ago!

  • Signs you're an expert at flower creeping: you know where in the neighborhood to find your favorite flowers! Once I realized irises were in bloom, I made a beeline to check out these beauties, and as you can see, they did not disappoint! 
  • I love finding out little-known facts and behind the scenes tidbits about songs I like, so when Pops and I stumbled onto this video that details the making of "God Only Knows," I was riveted! "God Only Knows" is an insane arrangement anyway, so to listen to the parts separately and hear Brian Wilson directing everyone to his vision was just fascinating. Listening to a masterpiece like this is so creatively inspiring to me. (Even if it was Winnie and Kevin's break-up song. *tear*)
  • This week, Facebook reminded me that I posted these pictures SEVEN YEARS AGO. Good lord, how was undergrad graduation SEVEN years ago?!? It feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago, simultaneously. I miss watching Disney movies til all hours of the night, and being able to sleep in til an 11:30 class, and having my roommates to dress me (and loan me their stuff!)! Not living with my friends anymore after undergrad was a very rude awakening! 

 Hope y'all have a great weekend!! Xo

Confessions: Irrational fears and other mishaps

  • In my last Confessions post, I mentioned that I am totally terrified of bees and bee-like things. A pretty reasonable fear given the potential for, you know, getting stung and all that. But two other fears of mine? Not so easy to understand (or even explain!). First up, we have Mr. Bubble, that (maniacal) pink cartoon guy on the bubble bath bottles. I think the issue here is that my parents bought me a towel with Mr. Bubble on it when I was little and introduced it to me by draping it over my crib. Yeah, the sight of a huge Mr. Bubble towering over me was not exactly welcome! I have since recovered from this fear, but I'm still not his biggest fan. #GoAwayMrBubble #YoureDrunk
  • However, my other big childhood fear is still alive and well and makes even less sense. Remember the store Bradlees? (If you did not live near this store, I'm so jealous of your life.) Well, I'm terrified of its hellish logo. I am fully aware that this is an insane fear, and yet, I can't shake it. #realtalk There's no way I'm sullying this blog by posting a visual for you, but the Bradlees font is all 80s and blocky and maroon and menacing. Plastic bags from the store were covered in the logo, so maybe that's how this fear started? Or maybe the terrifying hugeness of the logo on the side of a building is what set me off as a little kid? Who knows. All I can say for sure is THANK THE LORD Bradlees went out of business because if one were still located ten minutes from my house, I would probably need to keep a paper bag in the car so I could breathe into it! But long after the Bradlees near my house closed, one remained open en route to the shore, and we would ALWAYS get stuck at a red light right across the street, and I would totally be covering my eyes like the "See no evil" monkey emoji. And this was in high school/college. #MaybeIDoNeed4Therapists #IsBradleesListedintheDSM
"I feel betrayed, bewildered... Wrong response?" 

"I feel betrayed, bewildered... Wrong response?" 

  • Remember when I was the oldest person at the orthodontist? Well, now that I'm dealing with a bum foot, I'm the youngest person at the podiatrist by about 30 years. I'm pretty much the only one there not collecting Social Security, although with my retainers and their dentures, we're kind of all on the same page. And when I walked through the waiting room with my purple cast, I swear one adorable old lady was eyeing it! I hope she went into the doctor and got a bright purple cast of her own! #OkLadies #NowLetsGetinFormation
  • A few weeks ago, I had to revisit a work assignment that I hadn't done in months, and slowly, all of the details came back to me. I found myself explaining what we needed to do without even fully realizing what I was saying--it's like this secret compartment in my brain got unlocked and took over. So in musing afterwards about how crazy it is when you remember something utterly random that you didn't even know was tucked away in your brain, I mentioned that I still know the quadratic equation song. Now, when you say something embarrassing like, "I still remember the quadratic equation song," people are going to want you to make good on that statement. And thus I had to serenade my boss with the good ol' quadratic equation song set to "Pop Goes the Weasel"--with my retainer in, no less. #HowEmbarrassing? #TheLimitDoesNotExist
  • Speaking of my retainer, I try to make sure I'm not wearing it when I have to talk on the phone, since it's hard enough to be understood with crackling connections and background chaos and whatnot. Well, this proved problematic when the podiatrist's office called me back while I was waiting for the bus, and it led me to basically spit out my retainer at the bus stop while trying to answer my phone. #StayClassy

Please let me know what crazy things you guys are afraid of, so I can feel (slightly) better about myself! :)

More Coffee Less Talky
#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren

High Five for Friday: May 13


The start of this H54F post is going to be a bit of a buzzkill because I've been avoiding talking about some important things that are happening right now. Sort of problematic for this blog that's, you know, about my life. So here's an update:

B and I broke up. Sigh. Things were/are amicable, but obviously, this is a huge change, and a really sad one. I haven't been super motivated to post or do much of anything for the past few weeks, so that's why I've been sort of MIA. 

And then, on top of that, I started having problems with my right foot, for no apparent reason. I actually spent the past week in a soft cast and had to get an MRI on Tuesday. In 2014, I had a stress fracture in the same foot, so it's not an unfamiliar situation. It's just frustrating and scary to know something is wrong but not know what it is. Having a bum foot is also not great for my anxiety and sadness, since I deal with emotions by keeping busy! So poor timing all around.

But here I am. I'm still doing things, still going through my days, and still not contemplating suicide, which is always a relief to me, since things like depression and suicidal thoughts can always come back. I'm just trying to keep in mind that a few things in my life suck right now, but they will get better eventually. And there have been bright spots, which is why I keep up the H54F posts, even when I'm feeling meh. 

Now let's get on to some sparkle!

  • My MRI came back clean, no breaks or tears!! *confetti horn emoji* My doctor suspects that my foot issue is just an irritated ligament. So now I'm rocking a shorter version of this soft cast (still in purple of course!) for another week.
Thank god I painted my toenails like three days before this appointment!

Thank god I painted my toenails like three days before this appointment!

  • My friends Laura and Deena (cat-mom to Sasha!) visited me last weekend, and with cupcakes no less! We had been trying to get together for awhile, but with a cast cramping my style, they just came over to my house and hung out. It was great to catch up, and to have some company while elevating my foot!


  • On Mother's Day, I wound up watching a bunch of Carpool Karaoke videos with my parents! I don't know why I never watched Carpool Karaoke until like two weeks ago--it's SO GOOD. I really like James Corden and just want to be bffs with him and everyone he gets to hang out with--they all look like they're having such a great time, and their synchronized car dancing is always on fleek. The Chris Martin one just killed me (his Mick Jagger impersonation omg).
  • I've been watching Veronica Mars on and off since the fall, and now I'm back on again and nearly done season 1. It's getting so good. (Not that it wasn't before, but things are really ramping up now!) But you know what's more exciting than watching Veronica Mars? Watching Veronica Mars with this IMDb "X-Ray" feature on Amazon Instant Video!
Oh Schmidt (sans kimono). 

Oh Schmidt (sans kimono). 

I'm someone who can't get through a show or movie without saying, "Wait, he looks familiar..." and having to get right on IMDb, so this is pretty much a dream come true. It even explains the show's references! How cool is that?! Technology, man.

Theo Rossi was actually in an episode of Grey's (which is usually the reason an actor looks familiar to me, lol)!

Theo Rossi was actually in an episode of Grey's (which is usually the reason an actor looks familiar to me, lol)!

  • Lastly, I give you the cutest article title ever: "Sharks cat Jo Paw-velski gets two linemates"! Squee!! Yes, Jo is now sharing her Sharks be-decked pen at the Humane Society with two kitten roomies. I've been watching her Live Cam, and it's sooo precious. <3


So acording to Facebook Memories, I've been doing H54F posts for a whole YEAR! I think I've only I've only missed linking up once (aside from Christmas week when there was no link-up), which means I've written 50 of these posts?! BANANAS. Thank you Katie, Tif, and Della for hosting such a fun link-up and for making me feel so included right from May 8, 2015! :) Have a great weekend, everybody! xo

High Five for Friday: May 6


Oof, it's been a rough two weeks. But there were some good moments too, so here's what brought the sparkle:

  • I got a new phone! I'd been having issues with my phone for months, so last weekend, I finally bid it adieu and got an iPhone 6S! I'm smitten with how pretty it is and, you know, that it actually works. I went in planning to get the iPhone SE, but I'm actually totally loving the big screen on the 6S. It makes reading the Wiki article on every song I'm listening to on my commute AND editing blog posts in the waiting room at the podiatrist so much easier! (True nerd story!) AND THE CAMERA! I've never taken such beautiful pictures on a phone in my life! Whee!!


  • I was pretty bummed on Sunday, and the weather sure didn't help. (It was chilly and rainy all day bleh.) Neither did Pops dragging me to Lowe's with him... until I realized that it was pretty much a free botanical garden! Poor Pops was trying to find plants that would actually look nice/survive in our yard, and I was all, "Ooh, this is pretty!" and "This looks like something a cat would like to rub up on!" (Definitely not what Pops wants to hear, since he's already found Calico Pinky amid the few plants currently in our yard!) Of course, I was also busy taking a million photos because flowers!! Look at how ridiculously gorgeous this picture taken with my phone IN THE FREAKING LOWE'S turned out! The iPhone 6S camera is no joke. 
How is this even possible?

How is this even possible?

  • Of all the cats I've been seeing on my neighborhood Neko Atsume lately, the head honcho of them all has been missing: IKE! I had begun to wonder if someone had tamed that wild horse and got him to embrace indoor cat life... but then he made an appearance at the park near my house!!
I had to do a quick analysis to confirm that it was indeed Ike and not Tuxedo Cat, who's sudden presence keeps throwing me off!

I had to do a quick analysis to confirm that it was indeed Ike and not Tuxedo Cat, who's sudden presence keeps throwing me off!

Ike and I had very different reactions to our reunion. I basically stopped in my tracks and went "EEEEEEEEE!!!!" while Ike also froze but looked like, "UGH." #squadgoals Ike is a pretty friendly cat, so he did give me a few bumps before continuing on his way. Such nice treatment from a celebrity! (Somebody who passed us said, "Oh hey, there's Ike!" Haha!) Not quite the reception I get from our two resident scaredy cats, Tuxedo Cat and newcomer Big Cranky Fuzzy Cat (whose pseudonym admittedly needs some work!).

:( :(&nbsp;

:( :( 

  • In other major cat news, have you guys heard about the cat that snuck onto the ice before the Sharks-Predators game last Friday?! What a tiny, terrified little kitten! How did she get in there? How did they eventually catch her? I am so invested in little Jo Paw-velski now, and I check daily for updates haha. My bffl lives not far from San Jose, so I told her to adopt Jo, but I doubt her two dogs would be down with that plan!
  • I have been totally back on the Rich Kids of Beverly Hills bandwagon, thanks to all of season 3 being On Demand and the new season starting last Sunday. I'm behind on GoT and yet all caught up on this dumb show whoops! (Rich Kids is such a guilty pleasure, I can't help myself! And I'm not ready for the emotional turmoil that is GoT!)
Oh Morgan &lt;3

Oh Morgan <3

Cheers to the weekend! Hope it's a good one for y'all! xo

April 2016 Budget


No H54F post today because somehow, it's already the end of the month--which means it's Budget Post Time! *confetti horn emoji*

Thank goodness I picked up a few things in the second half of the month because, honestly, there was a time when I thought my only clothing or accessory purchase would be my new retainer! Sad. Paying for said retainer and my six-month check-up at the dentist (which included x-rays UGH) ate up most of my extra "fun" money in April. BUT! Normally, realizing that I have too many bills in a certain month to do much shopping does not stop me from shopping--I will just dip into my savings to accommodate retail therapy. BUT NOT THIS MONTH, BABY! I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking to my financial goals and priorities. I also just haven't felt the need to buy things in an attempt to make myself happy, which is HUGE. I have no idea if this change will stick, but I'm am rolling with it for now, haha. On top of all of that great news, I also pretty much stuck to my (official and unofficial) shopping goals for the month, which were to find some new shoes and tees... meaning that I didn't just buy things that I don't actually need, all willy-nilly!

If I could high-five you all through the computer right now, I would, because that's how excited I am about these changes in my spending habits and my way of thinking of shopping!!

Now that we've got all that out of the way, let's see what I bought in April:

  1. Mossimo Supply Co. V-Neck Tee (Target): $9
  2. Keds Chillax Slip-On Sneaker (DSW): $40 on sale for $28
  3. Indigo Rd. Lagstee Flat (DSW): $30 on sale for $18

Not pictured (because I can't seem to find it on the Target website, rats!):

  1. Mossimo Supply Co. Drapey Striped Tee (Target): $15

TOTAL: $70 An all-time low! Hooray!!

Oh, and Cassie from The Minuteglass was kind enough to send me a bottle of Tatcha Camellia Cleansing Oil that she didn't plan to use, after seeing me rave about it in my March budget post. Thanks again, Cassie!


I probably could have waited for the Target tees to go on sale, but then I would have either wound up spending more money to get free shipping online, or I would have had to track them down again in store, after already having found and tried them on in store. So I just bit the bullet and got them the day I found them. At least they weren't total impulse buys since I was looking to get a few new tees! I absolutely love the color of Target tee #1, which is called "Lively Lilac." <3 It's so pretty and springy and (surprisingly) not a shade of purple that I already have in my closet! I've been noticing that I have a real lack of pretty tee shirts to just throw on with a cardigan (my usual work outfit), so this addition is perfect! And although Target tee #2 has a bit of a high-low hem situation (which I typically hate), the hem isn't too crazy AND it gives me another top to wear with leggings (which are all I ever want to wear anyway)!

My hope on the shoe front this month was to find some on-sale boots and booties, to replace two ancient pairs that I have now just about destroyed. As you can see above, that didn't pan out, but I do also need flats, so it wasn't a total loss! I usually hate Keds, they just never seem to fit me right, and I probably wouldn't have tried on the pair that I got, had I realized they were Keds right off the bat! But they are actually super comfy and a great fit--and perfect to just throw on with jeans or leggings. I've already worn them a bunch! I had sort of been looking for a replacement for this pair of adorable Old Navy pink floral slip-ons (RIP) that I had a few years ago, and these Keds definitely fill that void. 

I'm also excited to finally have a pair of those darn trendy lace-up flats that look so cute on everyone else! (And to have a pair of flats that I might not walk out of for once! Curse you, narrow feet!) I must say, though, that the pair I got, with all the grommets AND the laces, is pretty flashy for me! They make me feel slightly like an Irish dancer who went crazy in shop class, haha! So I'm really taking a walk on the wild side here. :)

So, what did you guys get this month? What budget revelations have you had lately?

Linking up with Fran's Budgeting Bloggers!